8 Track Cartridge Test Tape View larger

8 Track Cartridge Test Tape


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The Most Accurate 8 Track Cartridge Alignment Tape Available.

The 8TT–1 8 track cartridge reproduce test tape contains all the signals necessary to verify essential tape parameters such as Head Azimuth, Recording Level and Frequency Response to ensure that your machine is performing at its best and within factory specifications.

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The Most Accurate 8 Track Cartridge Alignment Tape Available.

The 8TT–1 8 track cartridge reproduce test tape is a full track original master recording on specially prepared back lubricated tape loaded into reconditioned new cartridges with new pressure pads.

Being a full track recording, this cartridge is compatible with 2ch stereo as well as 4ch quadraphonic decks and will allow for the complete adjustment of azimuth, reproduce level and high frequency equalization as well as verifying frequency response characteristics.

The tape includes our exclusive Toggle Tone test signal for easy high frequency adjustment. Our high accuracy process insures consistency and conformity to NAB standards. A convenient usage tally is provided to track play back passes. Each tape is serial numbered and has an associated QC report. This QC report is not simply a frequency chart, but contains actual measurements from the tape ensuring adherence to the NAB standard. Printed instructions are included.


  • All signals recorded with equalization and levels in accordance with NAB standards.
  • Full track recording for use with mono, stereo (2 track & 4 track) and quad tape machines.
  • All signals on this tape are original master recordings made in real time directly from calibrated sources.
  • A graph of the frequency response of each tape is included.
  • Our exclusive ToggleTone test signal for easy high frequency adjustment.
  • Detailed printed instructions are included.

The cartridge contains these signals:

500hz @-10db
12.5khz Azimuth

(these tone are at -10db)

500hz/7.5khz ToggleTone (our exclusive tone for high freq adjustments)


500hz @0db (185 nWb/m)

Level: +/- 0.25db
Frequency: +/- 1db (0.25db at medium frequencies)
Azimuth Angle: +/- 2 min to 90deg

Reference Fluxcivity:
185 nWb per meter

3180/90 uSec (NAB Standard)

Tape speed:
3.75 in./s